Thursday, February 11, 2010

Implication and Dance

In Elaine's class today, we danced. I gave each kid a piece of paper with a job on it. Some of the jobs were
"If someone touches you, fall down."
"Hug people (gently)."
"Act like a Penguin."

Half the class did their jobs, while the other half guessed what the jobs were. Then they switched. We talked about how the rule
"If someone touches you, fall down"
doesn't say anything about what to do if no one touches you. You could fall down or not fall down - either one is ok!

If we wanted you to fall down when someone touched you, and only then, we would have to say so:
"Fall down if and only if someone touches you."

None of the jobs today involved "if and only if", so we'll probably have a future round including some "if and only if" jobs. The kids made suggestions of jobs, so we can use those too.

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